How our system works

Overview of a hotel online reservation system:
We are developing this master-piece right from scratch based on the inputs given by different hotels, both from sales and marketing prospective and operations. The whole purpose is to ensure that our system is the most user-friendly and covers at least 80% of the hotel’s needs. (no system is perfect!)
Our online reservation system provides backend system for hotel’s staff to update and maintain rates and availability, including special promotion, either FREE bonus nights or Percentage discount, early bird discount and last minute deals. We work through rate plans and this allows maximum flexibility to cater for various promotions that a hotel can think of, as well as packages.
B2B and B2C options are both available and more advanced properties can implement B2B to their corporate accounts or travel agents that would like to use the system.
Online Payment gateway is available for those properties that wish to have one. We have both a central gateway (via Paypal) or we can set up a direct online gateway with your preferred bank. For more information on the fees, please click here.